Mina Sellami is founder and Chief Executive Officer of Med-Prov, LLC. She is a Juris Doctorate specializing in Health Care Law with Subject Matter Expertise in Medicare and Medicaid Program Integrity, PPACA, , Healthcare Information Management, and Regulatory and Policy Research.
Her Company provides works with Providers, Health Plans, State and Federal Agencies providing Compliance Solutions and Professional Services. Her team’s Expert knowledge and skills also supports Healthcare Technology companies to better understand Medicare and Medicaid programs and CMS unfunded mandates. She has managed large-scale Health IT systems supporting Centers of Medicare and Medicaid. Prior to Med-Prov, Mina acted as a Compliance Officer for various Healthcare Contractors and was assigned as Program Manager for the Provider Quality Reporting System (PQRS) supporting Health and Human Services. She’s worked on Meaningful Use Programs, HITECH, PQRS, and EHR.
Over the years, Mina Sellam helped safeguarding the Medicare Trust Fund by recouping over $10 Million from aberrant providers proven methods such as; data analysis, investigations, and caseload development. Med-Prov is a strong advocate in working with Doctors and Hospitals to increase quality care and reduce healthcare waste and abuse.
Some State and Federal Programs experience challenges when outsourcing IT services to contractors. Although the healthcare Technology contractors may be very experienced and competent in software and technical solutions, they may lack understanding of program requirements. Mina and her team bridge the gap by providing point-to-point support to Healthcare contractors by interpreting regulations and policies, developing used-case requirements, and guiding contractors to implement program requirements accurately and efficiently. Mina’s proven expertise in policy and compliance coupled with healthcare technology and system solutions, lends strength to reduce government contract waste, and improve technical understanding of the client’s needs.
Mina Sellami obtained her Bachelor’s Degree and MBA with emphasis in Healthcare Policy from Kansas, and obtained her Health Law degree from California.